New Families
Welcome to Armstrong! We are glad to have you part of our community, and we look forward to getting to know you and introducing you to our special school.
As the first day of school approaches next month, we want to provide you with some information about some of the activities leading up to the school year and the first day. The New Family Packet is your quick-reference guide for where to find all things Armstrong.
Questions? Contact Kelly Hohertz and Charlotte Lee, New Families Co-Chairs
Important Events & Dates
Back to School Sign Up (BSSU)
July 24 - July 31
BSSU is required for all students. New families to the District will receive a neon envelope mid-July with log-in details. More Information.​

Incoming Kindergartner Parent Coffee
Thursday, August 8; 8:30AM
At the home of Ashley Gray
Meet Principal Cummins and PTA leadership, Kindly, no children. Call the front office at Armstrong for address. (214) 780-3100.
New Families (1st-4th Grade) Meet-Up
Saturday, August 10; 9:00-10:00AM
Meet us at the Armstrong Playground for popsicles to meet other new families. Please email Kelly Hohertz if you can attend. We want to be sure to have enough popsicles! More Information.

Meet the Teacher Night, "Find Your Place in the Eagle's Nest"
Monday, August 12; 4:00-5:00PM
Meet your student’s new teacher and take a peek inside the classroom!​

New Parents (1st-4th Grade) Coffee
Tuesday, August 13; 8:00-9:00AM
Sky Flex Space at Armstrong
Meet other New Parents and hear from current parents and our principal. Kindly, no children.

First Day of School
Wednesday, August 14
Arrival 7:30-7:55AM
Dad's Club Sno-Cones at Dismissal
Arrival &
7:45AM: First Bell rings to start the day. You may enter through the Cornell door or the St. Johns door—doors will open at 7:30AM for entry. Proceed to your child's classroom to help your student put their backpack in their locker.
7:55AM: Tardy Bell rings. Morning announcements begin with pledges and a moment of silence. Attendance is taken. Doors to the building are locked.
Late Arrival: After 8:00AM, you must enter through the main entrance on Cornell and sign in your student at the Front Office.
Early Arrival: After the first day of school, children may enter the school as early as 7:30AM. They will wait in their grade-level hallway until 7:45AM, at which point they can enter their classroom. Parents may still accompany their children but must wait outside the school building until 7:45AM. This allows teachers and staff time to prepare for the day.
3:15PM: After school pick up for Kindergarten and Second Grade is at the corner of Cornell and St. Johns. First, Third, and Fourth Graders are dismissed at the corner of Byron and St. Johns. Older children will be sent to the youngest child’s designated pick up spot unless otherwise noted.
Each teacher walks their class down the stairs to meet his/her parents.
CARPOOL: You MUST stay in your car and in the carpool lane. There is no parking in the carpool lane to pick up your child.
Please leave dogs and other pets at home during dismissal.
EXTENDED SCHOOL DAY PROGRAM (until 6PM): Offered by The Academy for Lifelong Learning (A.L.L.) from 3:15—6:00PM. Contact Cha Cha Bjork in the A.L.L. Office at 214-780-3380 or email bjorkc@hpisd.org. Charges apply.
For detailed Daily Procedures and Safety Information, including Arrival & Dismissal and Carpool Instructions and Queuing Lanes information (including map), CLICK HERE.
If you are new to Armstrong, welcome!
Annual back to school signup (BSSU) occurs each summer. If you are starting at Armstrong during the school year, you may contact the school directly for assistance with registering. You may join the PTA, pay required fees and donate to our annual underwriting campaign by clicking HERE.