About Us
About Us

The John S. Armstrong School opened its doors in 1914 as the first school in the Highland Park Independent School District. Our Parent-Teacher Association was formed that same year.
Armstrong continues to provide a uniquely positive and nurturing educational environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning and a sense of community responsibility. Our mission is to enhance the education of our children and support the Armstrong faculty and staff through volunteering and fundraising. ​
The Armstrong PTA wants every family to feel at home at Armstrong; we are glad that you are here to join our Eagle Family! CLICK HERE to join the PTA. As a member of the PTA, you will gain access to DirectorySpot; Armstrong's online directory. Annual renewal of fees and membership required. For information on Directory Spot, CLICK HERE.
Join the

Ever wonder how the the Armstrong Auction gets pulled off? How Invention Convention runs so seamlessly? How our memorable yearbooks come together each year? It's because of our wonderful community of volunteers!
Join us on November 12 at the DCC from 7:00-8:30PM to learn more about our PTA and the roles YOU can play!
Register Here for the PTA Volunteer Fair.
Officers &

2024-25 Executive Board
Standing (L-R): Lauren Conway (Secretary), Jane Wallingford (VP Faculty Liaison and Outreach), Lara Francis (VP Buildings & Grounds), Kasha Lee, (Past President), Andrea Cheek (VP Development), Brooke Garner (VP Special Events & Programs)
Seated (L-R): Caroline Olson (VP Communications), Monet Ball (President Elect), Kate Boatright (President), Sara Thieke (Cafeteria Finance)
Not pictured: Melissa Dvorocsik (Treasurer), Matt Malaise (Dad's Club President)
Photograph by John Cain Photography.
Do you have a question? Find Contact Information for our Officers and Chairs

*Yellow denotes Executive Committee member
Past pta Presidents
1914-15 Mrs. Frank M. Gray, Sr.
1915-16 Mrs. W.I. Ford
1916-17 Mrs. J.H. Babcock
1917-19 Mrs. C. Hudson
1919-20 Mrs. William Bacon
1920-25 Mrs. E.H. Morgan (Honorary President 1925)
1925-27 Mrs. E.H. Nolte
1927-29 Mrs. Will R. Wilson, Sr.
1929-31 Mrs. Luther Jordan, Sr.
1931-33 Mrs. W.E. Paschall, Sr.
1933-35 Mrs. H.P. Edwards Sr.
1935-37 Mrs. E.F.E. Schmidt, Sr.
1937-39 Mrs. Jack Elliot, Sr.
1939-41 Mrs. George Hutchison
1941-43 Mrs. Albert S. Briggs
1943-45 Mrs. George O. Wilson, Sr. (Mrs. Chester Cole)
1945-47 Mrs. J.N. Marshall, Jr.
1947-48 Mrs. Fred T. Porter
1948-49 Mrs. Henry D. Akin
1949-50 Mrs. Sheldon Lord, Sr.
1950-51 Mrs. J.L. Thompson
1951-52 Mrs. Howard Weddington
1952-53 Mrs. William B. Novak
1953-54 Mrs. Giles Miller
1954-55 Mrs. Jeff Hassell, Jr.
1955-56 Mrs. Ross Carlton
1956-67 Mrs. Robert Atwell
1957-58 Mrs. Howard P. White
1958-59 Mrs. Horace R. Nash
1959-60 Mrs. R.A. Eichenberger
1960-61 Mrs. Blair G. Mercer
1961-62 Mrs. Ross Madole
1962-63 Mrs. Porter K. Johnston
1963-64 Mrs. Lanham Deal
1964-65 Mrs. James T. Pryor
1965-66 Mrs. Robert Shuey, Jr.
1966-67 Mrs. Tom M. Matthews
1967-68 Mrs. Joe Gray
1968-69 Mrs. George S. Rice
1969-70 Mrs. Charles Paschall
1970-71 Mrs. R.W. Thompson, Jr.
1971-72 Mrs. Ralph Belknap, Jr.
1972-73 Mrs. John Eisnlohr
1973-74 Mrs. Bassett Kilgore
1974-75 Mrs. Robert Shoemaker
1975-76 Mrs. Lee R. Kern
1976-77 Mrs. Craig Canon
1977-78 Mrs. Jack Brown
1978-79 Mrs. Alfred Reubel
1979-80 Mrs. Raymond O-Connell
1980-81 Mrs. Bob Christopher
1981-82 Mrs. Richard Means
1982-83 Mrs. Mary Glen Aldridge
1983-84 Mrs. John Sharp
1984-85 Mrs. Richard Baty
1985-86 Mrs. Buddy Nash
1986-87 Mrs. Bryan Marquis
1987-88 Mrs. Robert McCullough
1988-89 Mrs. Lee Fikes
1989-90 Mrs. Tom Rhodes, Jr.
1990-91 Mrs. Jimmy Irish
1991-92 Mrs. Howard Fitch
1992-93 Mrs. Bobby Cheney
1993-94 Mrs. Gerry Storey
1994-95 Mrs. John Beecherl
1995-96 Mrs. Tom Somerville
1996-97 Mrs. Jon Sparling
1997-98 Mrs. Jay Humphrey
1998-99 Mrs. Rod Riggins
1990-2000 Mrs. Stuart Bush
2000-01 Mrs. Doug Shamburger
2001-02 Mrs. Rob Evanko
2002-03 Julie Grisham
2003-04 Judy Hinson
2004-05 Janet Carter
2005-06 Wendy Crafton
2006-07 Kathy Sockwell
2007-08 Gina DeBeer
2008-09 Amy Powers
2009-10 Rhonda Sargent Chambers
2010-11 Laura Nell Morrow
2011-12 Elise Mcveigh
2012-13 Amy Bales
2013-14 Meredith Mabus
2014-15 Susan Glassmoyer
2015-16 Christina Hoctor
2016-17 Ali Watkins
2017-18 Allyson Blow
2018-19 Lindsay Ballotta
2019-20 Jenny Merkle
2020-21 Vanessa Ayoub
2021-22 Suzie Curnes
2022-23 Jane Wallingford
2023-24 Kasha Lee