About Us
About Us
The John S. Armstrong School opened its doors in 1914 as the first school in the Highland Park Independent School District. Our Parent-Teacher Association was formed that same year.
Armstrong continues to provide a uniquely positive and nurturing educational environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning and a sense of community responsibility. Our mission is to enhance the education of our children and support the Armstrong faculty and staff through volunteering and fundraising. ​
The Armstrong PTA wants every family to feel at home at Armstrong; we are glad that you are here to join our Eagle Family! CLICK HERE to join the PTA. As a member of the PTA, you will gain access to DirectorySpot; Armstrong's online directory. Annual renewal of fees and membership required. For information on Directory Spot, CLICK HERE.
Join the
Officers &
2024-25 Executive Board
Standing (L-R): Lauren Conway (Secretary), Jane Wallingford (VP Faculty Liaison and Outreach), Lara Francis (VP Buildings & Grounds), Kasha Lee, (Past President), Andrea Cheek (VP Development), Brooke Garner (VP Special Events & Programs)
Seated (L-R): Caroline Olson (VP Communications), Monet Ball (President Elect), Kate Boatright (President), Sara Thieke (Cafeteria Finance)
Not pictured: Melissa Dvorocsik (Treasurer), Matt Malaise (Dad's Club President)
Photograph by John Cain Photography.
Do you have a question? Find Contact Information for our Officers and Chairs
*Yellow denotes Executive Committee member
Past pta Presidents
1914-15 Mrs. Frank M. Gray, Sr.
1915-16 Mrs. W.I. Ford
1916-17 Mrs. J.H. Babcock
1917-19 Mrs. C. Hudson
1919-20 Mrs. William Bacon
1920-25 Mrs. E.H. Morgan (Honorary President 1925)
1925-27 Mrs. E.H. Nolte
1927-29 Mrs. Will R. Wilson, Sr.
1929-31 Mrs. Luther Jordan, Sr.
1931-33 Mrs. W.E. Paschall, Sr.
1933-35 Mrs. H.P. Edwards Sr.
1935-37 Mrs. E.F.E. Schmidt, Sr.
1937-39 Mrs. Jack Elliot, Sr.
1939-41 Mrs. George Hutchison
1941-43 Mrs. Albert S. Briggs
1943-45 Mrs. George O. Wilson, Sr. (Mrs. Chester Cole)
1945-47 Mrs. J.N. Marshall, Jr.
1947-48 Mrs. Fred T. Porter
1948-49 Mrs. Henry D. Akin
1949-50 Mrs. Sheldon Lord, Sr.
1950-51 Mrs. J.L. Thompson
1951-52 Mrs. Howard Weddington
1952-53 Mrs. William B. Novak
1953-54 Mrs. Giles Miller
1954-55 Mrs. Jeff Hassell, Jr.
1955-56 Mrs. Ross Carlton
1956-67 Mrs. Robert Atwell
1957-58 Mrs. Howard P. White
1958-59 Mrs. Horace R. Nash
1959-60 Mrs. R.A. Eichenberger
1960-61 Mrs. Blair G. Mercer
1961-62 Mrs. Ross Madole
1962-63 Mrs. Porter K. Johnston
1963-64 Mrs. Lanham Deal
1964-65 Mrs. James T. Pryor
1965-66 Mrs. Robert Shuey, Jr.
1966-67 Mrs. Tom M. Matthews
1967-68 Mrs. Joe Gray
1968-69 Mrs. George S. Rice
1969-70 Mrs. Charles Paschall
1970-71 Mrs. R.W. Thompson, Jr.
1971-72 Mrs. Ralph Belknap, Jr.
1972-73 Mrs. John Eisnlohr
1973-74 Mrs. Bassett Kilgore
1974-75 Mrs. Robert Shoemaker
1975-76 Mrs. Lee R. Kern
1976-77 Mrs. Craig Canon
1977-78 Mrs. Jack Brown
1978-79 Mrs. Alfred Reubel
1979-80 Mrs. Raymond O-Connell
1980-81 Mrs. Bob Christopher
1981-82 Mrs. Richard Means
1982-83 Mrs. Mary Glen Aldridge
1983-84 Mrs. John Sharp
1984-85 Mrs. Richard Baty
1985-86 Mrs. Buddy Nash
1986-87 Mrs. Bryan Marquis
1987-88 Mrs. Robert McCullough
1988-89 Mrs. Lee Fikes
1989-90 Mrs. Tom Rhodes, Jr.
1990-91 Mrs. Jimmy Irish
1991-92 Mrs. Howard Fitch
1992-93 Mrs. Bobby Cheney
1993-94 Mrs. Gerry Storey
1994-95 Mrs. John Beecherl
1995-96 Mrs. Tom Somerville
1996-97 Mrs. Jon Sparling
1997-98 Mrs. Jay Humphrey
1998-99 Mrs. Rod Riggins
1990-2000 Mrs. Stuart Bush
2000-01 Mrs. Doug Shamburger
2001-02 Mrs. Rob Evanko
2002-03 Julie Grisham
2003-04 Judy Hinson
2004-05 Janet Carter
2005-06 Wendy Crafton
2006-07 Kathy Sockwell
2007-08 Gina DeBeer
2008-09 Amy Powers
2009-10 Rhonda Sargent Chambers
2010-11 Laura Nell Morrow
2011-12 Elise Mcveigh
2012-13 Amy Bales
2013-14 Meredith Mabus
2014-15 Susan Glassmoyer
2015-16 Christina Hoctor
2016-17 Ali Watkins
2017-18 Allyson Blow
2018-19 Lindsay Ballotta
2019-20 Jenny Merkle
2020-21 Vanessa Ayoub
2021-22 Suzie Curnes
2022-23 Jane Wallingford
2023-24 Kasha Lee